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the end of one decade brings the possibility of another...

2000 - 2009 highlights:

passing driver's test
driver's license
my first car
my first boyfriend and all the firsts that come with that, including breaking someone else's heart for the first time
multiple jobs that all have come full circle
graduating high school
getting into the school of my dreams Providence College
transferring to UMass Amherst and graduating with honors
acceptance and graduation from UMass M.Ed in Higher Education program
buying my first car completely on my own
my first apartment with roommates
my first apartment with no roommates
first pet
visiting Haiti for a missions trip
Canada for Montreal, and twice on my roadtrips
Mexico by accident
and roadtripping through all 48 continental states
being in a linens and things commercial
front row at the Colbert Report
being fourth row at Price is Right in Bob Barker's last season
friendships new and old, over and gone
parents moving to Indiana - and now holidays are there
weddings, bah mitzahs, and babies!
and many more....

I was 17 in 2000, 27 in 2010 and in 2020 will be 37.

I hope that time brings me many more wonderful experiences that I will share with the ones I love and care about, and that I might finally have found the job that suits me best, and the partner that brings out the best, and possibly even a family.  However, I realize what is meant to be will be, and I am finally at a stage in my life where I am focusing on living in the moment instead of stressing out over what happens tomorrow (well at least I am trying my best to)... and improving my health and well being through exercise and good people.

No new years resolution - I believe in trying to be the best version the whole year through...... here's to happy new years for everyone, and all the new possibilities that await us.


Unknown said...

Wow, what a list!! I love the Missions trip, the price is right, the road trippin, what adventures! Cheers to 2010!

a pink cosmo with a lime... | TNB