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Alibi Patio Party - June 8, 2010

The list that gained me entry into the exclusive invite-only Citysearch party at Alibi:

The staff at Alibi were kind enough to put aside an area of lounge seats and a few couches for our takeover.  The night started off with a review of their drink menu and complimentary beverages on the bar.  I started trying the "Sanchez" (mix of cazadores reposado, lime, oj, and agave nectar) served on the rocks.

The staff were beyond hospitable and then brought us out bites from their Scampo Bar Bites menu.  One of my favorites which I do not have a picture of, were these cheese quesedilla type bites, lightly fried with gooey cheese, a nice pairing to the strong tequila.  The following pictures are a small sampling of the food we tried.

Caprese Salad

Truffled Polenta Fries

Asparagus Pizza

Kristen ( and I (note the lovely Kate Spade earrings - thanks to

The drink I finished with and liked the most was "Rehab" (stoli ohranj, st germain, and prosecco) - fantastic!  It was great to see everyone and I finally got to meet Robin (@Dovesandfigs her blog is: and her friend and we all shared a great conversation.

Smiling girl to the left is Josie! (@josieboston and

It was a great evening and cannot wait to see everyone again.  Big thank yous to Citysearch Boston (Christine) for setting it up and Alibi Bar and Lounge for their generous offerings of food and drink, and the $20 gift certificate for a return visit!  I will be back soon.

Press Opening Night of Johnny Baseball

I won these tickets through my participation as a Citysearch Dictator for uploading the most photographs to local businesses.  I absolutely love being a Citysearch Dictator!  What is that you ask?  Basically its a group of elite Bostonites selected by Citysearch Boston editor Christine Liu for our love of experiencing the city and sharing our opinions.  Does this sound like something that interests you?  Then apply here:  a sample of our event lineup this summer:

Make sure you follow Citysearch on Twitter for event updates, opportunities to win tickets, (@Citysearchbos or and fan them on Facebook for their weekly contests (!/CitysearchBOS).  Now on to my night at Johnny Baseball.

Located at 64 Brattle Street in Harvard Square (Cambridge) is The American Repertory Theater ( a fantastic facility where Johnny Baseball is running in their Loeb Drama Center.

We were welcomed into the theater and given pink Press folders that came equipped with programs, schedule of events at the theater, the January to June edition of ART magazine, and copies of various news articles promoting the show. Our seats were four rows up and gave a feeling that you were at a stadium and truly a part of the show.

I loved the stage and recreation of Fenway Park through these box awnings and the actual stage itself.  The actors were phenomenal with truly standout performances by Colin Donnell (Johnny O'Brien), Stephanie Umoh (Daisy Wyatt), and Burke Moses (Babe Ruth).  I was pleasantly suprised that the bar allowed patrons to bring drinks into the theater - a selling point for anyone that likes to drink (any beverage alcoholic or not) while enjoying the show.  The musical numbers in Act 1 painted a truly vivid picture of the heart of Red Sox fans and the angst felt between Johnny and Daisy.  Drawn into their plight of an interracial relationship I found my emotions deeply vested in the hopeful success of their partnership, but the first act ends on a cliffhanger to be resolved in the second (final) act.

During intermission there were hot dog and sausage stands that were akin to the ones you may find along Landsdowne St by the gates of Fenway.  It was a nice touch and they also had outdoor traveling bars that offered bottled beer and wine.  There was a nominal fee associated with the food and drinks, but definitley nothing like the prices sausage stands command on Fenway. 

The second act was just as amazing as the first, and to avoid giving away any of the musical I will keep the rest of this brief.  I must however include my favorite quote of the show when Babe Ruth is in the hospital.

Nurse to Babe:  Babe, you flirting?

Babe:  I'm to weak to flirt... I'm begging.  (Aside to audience:  Ain't easy to coax a dame into a death bed)

At the conclusion of the show a free buffet of baseball foods were provided for all in attendance.  Complimentary beverages (Wine, Water, and Beer) were also available.  I personally opted for a heaping plate of potato salad, casear salad, and kielbasa.  Free icecream novelties were handed out during the speeches at the conclusion of the buffet.

Note the lovely pink press packet and free Johnny Baseball baseball!  I am happy to mention that the show was extended its dates until July 11th.  If you have not seen the show yet make sure you do before the doors close forever!
a pink cosmo with a lime... | TNB